Sermon Series

Every Sunday when we gather to worship we open up the Bible together as we believe God speaks to us through it. Come and join us to discover for yourself how God still speaks today.

Below you’ll find out all the information for the different sermon series we are in this term. We’d love to see you there.


7th April - 19th May

The claims of Easter leave us with a choice to make. A choice between life and death.

The resurrection is so important to the Christian faith.
So important that our faith would be useless (1 Corinthians 15:14).

This spring we’ll be thinking and exploring together the importance of and difference the resurrection makes today.



26th May - 14th July

From creation to the cross to the empty tomb to Pentecost, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were involved in ways that sought to bring life to all of God’s creation.

Over the first part of the summer we’ll be taking time looking at 4 of Paul’s most well known chapters in arguably his most well known book to the church in Rome.

Together we’ll discover the life that is brought about in Jesus and through the Holy Spirit.